A bearded dragon with some yellow coloring on its chin

Bearded Dragon Yellow Fungus: Symptoms, Treatments & More

Part of owning a bearded dragon means staying knowledgeable about potential health issues. Yellow fungus is one of the more severe illnesses that is common among bearded dragons, but the good news is, it’s easily preventable. Here you’ll find answers to all your questions about bearded dragon yellow fungus, from what it is and how to prevent it, to treatments and prognosis. 

What Is Yellow Fungus in Bearded Dragons?

Yellow fungus, sometimes called “CANV,” is a serious illness that commonly affects reptiles. This fungal infection is caused by the Nannizziopsis guarroi fungus, which causes harm by slowly consuming the victim’s flesh. This results in pain, decreased appetite, weight loss, difficulty moving, and more unpleasant symptoms.

What Causes Yellow Fungus in Bearded Dragons?

Because yellow fungus is a serious infection, it’s important to know what puts a bearded dragon at risk. 

So, how do bearded dragons get yellow fungus? These are the most common causes:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor living conditions
  • Poor nutrition
  • Weakened immune system due to antibiotics
  • Cohabitation 
  • Being in contact (direct or indirect) with an infected reptile 

What Are the Symptoms of Yellow Fungus in Bearded Dragons?

So, what does yellow fungus look like on a bearded dragon? 

Yellow fungus often looks like splotches of popcorn butter across your dragon’s skin. 

That’s the telltale symptom, but certainly not the only one. 

Other symptoms include: 

  • Yellow, brown, and/or gray patches on scales that may look cracked or crusty
  • Blackened limbs or other black spots on the skin
  • Frequent shedding
  • Weight loss and appetite loss
  • Lesions and ulcers
  • Sunken eyes

Some of these symptoms — especially weight loss, appetite loss, and sunken eyes — may be associated with other health issues or illnesses. But the more alarming symptoms, like ulcers and yellow spots, usually indicate yellow fungus. 

If you notice your bearded dragon suffering from any of these symptoms, get in touch with your vet immediately. They will likely perform multiple tests to rule out other causes, confirm the disease, and make recommendations.

Is Bearded Dragon Yellow Fungus Contagious?

Yellow fungus is highly contagious among reptiles. The chances of it being passed from a reptile to a human are extremely low.

Regardless, it's always a good idea to wash your hands before and after handling your reptile, whether your pet is healthy or sick. 

How to Treat Yellow Fungus on a Bearded Dragon

It’s stressful when you’re trying to figure out if your bearded dragon has a health issue, and it can be stressful looking for a treatment for a serious condition like yellow fungus.

Yellow fungus has no cure, but there are a handful of treatments available that may relieve suffering or extend your dragon’s life. These treatments — including oral antifungal medication, topical medication, and medicated soaks — are intense and can take a while to work.

Depending on how far the yellow fungus has progressed, the best course of action may be putting your bearded dragon down. Be sure to discuss all options with your vet and understand the benefits and risks of each one.

Life Expectancy for Bearded Dragons with Yellow Fungus

How long can a bearded dragon live with yellow fungus? This is a question you’re likely asking, and it has a sad answer. Yellow fungus is a fatal disease. There is little chance a bearded dragon will survive yellow fungus, especially if it’s not caught very early. The life expectancy will vary depending on the severity of the disease and how early it is caught, but oftentimes an affected dragon will live 12 to 18 months after a diagnosis.

How to Prevent Yellow Fungus in Bearded Dragons

Because yellow fungus is such a serious condition, it’s important to do whatever you can to prevent it. The good news is, it’s actually fairly simple to prevent yellow fungus. For the most part you just need to practice proper husbandry. 

Here are the top ways to protect your dragon from getting yellow fungus:

  • No cohabitation. Don’t house your dragons together, and don’t house any other reptiles with them, either. Bearded dragons are solitary and need to be kept by themselves. A lot of issues can happen if bearded dragons are kept in the same enclosure. 
  • Proper tank setup. Your dragon needs a specific habitat in order to thrive. Create a healthy, happy home for your dragon with lighting and heat that mimics their natural desert environment.
  • Good nutrition. Make sure your dragon is eating a healthy diet, which includes making sure they are getting enough protein and calcium-rich greens based on their age.

Do Other Reptiles Get Yellow Fungus?

Yes. Technically any reptile could be infected by this fungal disease, but the most common include Leopard geckos, iguanas, and veiled chameleons.

Does Yellow Fungus Infect Humans?

Yellow fungus is not “zoonotic,” which means it won’t be passed from animal to human. In very rare cases, yellow fungus has been found to infect people who are immuno-compromised. Healthy humans will not be infected by this fungus.

Takeaway: Yellow fungus is a fatal infection that commonly affects reptiles, including bearded dragons. While there is no cure, there are some treatments available to alleviate symptoms and extend life. Prevention includes proper husbandry and avoiding contact with infected reptiles.

Sources & Further Reading

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