Live Superworms

Live Superworms

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Live Superworms

Live Superworms


Your reptile will love these tasty treats! Superworms are great paired with dubia roaches for a healthy meal!

Regular price $4.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.25 USD
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A tasty treat for your reptile! High Protein Content, Hydration & Fat for your reptiles taste buds!

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Superworms have long been a favorite of bearded dragons. It’s not hard to see why—they offer protein, hydration, and enough fat to make your beardie’s taste buds beg for more! Superworms make an excellent supplement for older juvenile and adult dragons’ staple feeder insects. Your dragon deserves a treat to go wild for!
  • Nutrition your dragon needs

    Our roaches are carefully bred in
    a stress-free environment. Each
    roach is fed a well-balanced diet
    consisting of fruit and veggies
    and are full of essential nutrients.

  • Feed your predator's wild side

    Your Dragon is a natural born
    predator. Feeding your Dragon
    live Dubia Roaches makes
    mealtime an experience they'll
    be looking forward to each day.

  • 100% Satisfaction guarantee

    You and your Dragon's
    satisfaction are everything to us.
    We take extreme care to ensure
    safe and timely delivery but if
    you are not happy with your
    order, we will make it right.

How Many Superworms Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

A few superworms each week is a good rule of thumb.

When it comes to superworms, less is more. These worms have too much fat, too much phosphorus, and not enough calcium to be a staple feeder. 

Baby bearded dragons shouldn’t eat superworms at all. Superworms have tough exoskeletons and a sharp spike on their head that make them hard to digest—plus they tend to put up a fight before they become dinner. 

Other reptiles can eat superworms, but smaller lizards like leopard geckos may struggle a bit unless you use small superworms and smash the heads first. (If that sounds a little too gross, you can get mealworms instead, which are up to 5 times smaller than superworms.) 

Before giving superworms to your bearded dragon, make sure they are the right size. In general, insects should be no longer than the space between your dragon’s eyes.

What Do Superworms Turn Into? 

Superworms turn into darkling beetles. Bearded dragons and reptiles can eat them, but they tend not to enjoy the taste.

If you store superworms in a small container where they are in contact with each other, they won’t pupate (turn into beetles). If you separate them, they will.

How to Store Superworms

Superworms are pretty low maintenance. Keep them in a container with a punctured lid and dry oats for bedding. You can give them potato slices or carrots for hydration.

Can You Refrigerate Superworms?

No. Refrigerating superworms will kill them. Keep them at room temperature instead, preferably between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Are Superworms Safe for All Reptiles?

Superworms are suitable for many reptiles as a supplemental feeder insect (not a staple). Because of their large size and tough exoskeletons, superworms are most suitable for larger lizards—adult bearded dragons and monitors, for example. Smaller reptiles tend to struggle with superworms.

How Long Do Superworms Live?

When stored together, superworms will typically live for 6 months to a year. To put that in perspective, crickets tend to live for 8 to 10 weeks and Dubia roaches live a couple years. So superworms have a slightly longer life which makes them convenient to keep on hand as treats for your pet, since they won’t need to be replaced too frequently.